What is Asthma?

Asthma is a condition that affects the airways - the small tubes that carry air in and out of the lungs. The airways become over-sensitive which results in an individual’s immune system reacting to otherwise harmless things, such as cold air or dust.

The muscles around the airways tighten when this happens, causing it to narrow, and making it difficult for air to flow. As well as facing a risk of asthma attacks, individuals with asthma are at an increased risk of respiratory infections, severe asthma attacks, and even delays in puberty or growth.

There are various types of asthma which are exacerbated by different triggers. Many of these have the same symptoms, but knowing what type of asthma you have can help you to manage it better. The most common types of asthma include:

  • Allergic asthma
  • Non allergic asthma
  • Seasonal asthma
  • Occupational asthma
  • Childhood asthma or adult on-set asthma
  • Exercise induced asthma
  • Severe or difficult asthma

What are Asthma Symptoms?

  • Difficulty breathing/shortness of breath.
  • Tight feeling in the chest.
  • Wheezing (a whistling noise in the chest).
  • Coughing - hoarse, particularly at night.

Common asthma triggers that worsen asthma symptoms include indoor allergens, outdoor allergy triggers that can trigger allergy induced asthma, and physical exercise.

Why do I have Asthma?

Asthma is the most common chronic disease in Ireland. Asthma can start at any time of life, although it usually starts in childhood when common signs include shortness of breath, chest tightness, and wheezing.

Asthma is sometimes associated with family history and is often linked to other conditions such as eczema, hay fever and allergies. Allergic asthma tends to be caused by exposure to external irritants. Occupational hazards can also serve as an asthma trigger.

How can you treat Asthma?

There are various treatments and medicines available for treating asthma. This is the case whether you have allergy induced asthma or severe asthma. There are either relievers, which work to relieve your symptoms when they happen, or there are preventers, which help to control your symptoms and prevent them happening.

The majority of people with asthma are prescribed a daily preventer inhaler to protect against an asthma attack and a reliever inhaler to use when symptoms occur. It is extremely important that preventer medication is taken as prescribed, even when asthma symptoms are not present to avoid asthma episodes.

Top 10 inhaler tips from the Asthma Society of Ireland

  1. Talk to your healthcare professional about your medication and device technique, such as which inhaler to use first and how long to wait between inhalations
  2. Clarify medication dose, when to take your inhaler and what to do if breathing symptoms deteriorate
  3. Talk to them about the importance of checking inhaler technique REGULARLY
  4. Discuss how and when to clean the device
  5. Consider expiry dates of the device. Ask them if your device is reusable; if there is a discard date and how to discard the device.
  6. Discuss safe storage and disposal of the device
  7. Ask them how to prime the device
  8. Ask what to do if your device malfunctions
  9. Discuss the signs for an empty device and when it needs to be replaced
  10. Ask them for patient information, Asthma Society resources or for a referral if necessary.

Article sourced from Asthma Society of Ireland – See original article here

Asthma Management Plan

When they diagnose asthma, your doctor or nurse can help you create a plan for managing asthma. This can help to minimise asthma attacks. An Asthma Management treatment plan will contain everything you need to control and treat asthma. Your treatment plan will have the following information:

  • A list of medication to take daily, or during an asthma episode, which may include inhalers and inhaled corticosteroids, and when to take it
  • How to tell if your symptoms are getting worse and what to do
  • A list of your triggers, vaccinations and the asthma education you have received
  • A peak flow diary to help monitor how well your lungs are working
  • What to do if you have an asthma attack
  • Important contact information, such as your GP and emergency contacts.

Download your own asthma management plan here

Some information and facts about Asthma

No one knows exactly what causes asthma. What we do know is:

  • Anyone can develop asthma. It is very common in Ireland, where over 470,000 adults and children have asthma.
  • Asthma most often begins in childhood, but some types of allergy induced asthma or occupational asthma can arise in adults.
  • If you have parents or brothers and sisters with a family history of asthma and allergies (e.g. eczema or hay fever) you are more likely to have it yourself.
  • Asthma and allergies are often linked. Conditions like hay fever, eczema, or hives, which are usually the result of allergy, may occur alongside something called allergic asthma.
  • Adult onset asthma may develop after a respiratory tract infection.
  • Asthma is not infectious.
  • Smoking during pregnancy or exposing a child to tobacco smoke will increase their risk of developing asthma.
  • Being overweight increases the risk of developing asthma.
  • Some children lose their symptoms as they grow older but asthma is a chronic disease so it never goes away and symptoms can come back later in life after exposure to asthma triggers like allergens or exercise.

Triggers and trigger tips

  • Air pollution inside and outside the home: Smoke, perfumes, and other types of air pollution can trigger asthma. Try to check your air quality regularly. Avoid using certain aerosols.
  • Cigarette smoke: It is recommended not to smoke and to stay away from people when they are smoking if you have asthma symptoms.
  • Colds and Flu: Try to practice good hand and mouth hygiene, get the flu vaccine each year.
  • Exercise: Building up exercise gradually is important and once a routine is established can help. Always bring your inhaler in case asthma symptoms like chest tightness worsen. Warm-up and cool down. Consider swimming as this can help strengthen lung function.
  • House dust mite: Use a protective pillow and bed linen covering and wash clothes at 60 degrees or more. Avoid feather bedding. Consider hardwood floors instead of carpets and vacuum the house regularly to reduce airborne particles that can worsen asthma symptoms.
  • Medications: Some medication might trigger an asthma attack so always consult with your doctor or pharmacist before taking any medication including over the counter medicines like aspirin.
  • Pets: Unfortunately, animal dander from cats and dogs can be a trigger asthma symptoms. Try to wash your pet weekly and never let them sleep in the bedroom.
  • Pollen: Some people can have an allergy to pollen also called allergic rhinitis, or hay fever. Pollen comes from grasses, trees, weeds and shrubs. Avoid grassy, tree areas, stay indoors when grass is being cut, and stay indoors as much as possible when pollen count is high.

Common Symptoms of an Asthma Attack

If someone in the family is having an asthma attack, are feeling breathless, are coughing, lips are blue, chest is tight please follow the 5 step rule:

  1. Sit up and stay calm as possible
  2. Take slow steady breaths
  3. Take reliever inhaler - normally 1 puff every minute for 10 minutes
  4. If not getting any relief call 999 or 112
  5. Repeat step 3 if ambulance hasn’t arrived after 10 minutes

When properly managed, most people can live a life that’s free from asthma symptoms. We encourage everyone with asthma, or those with concerns for a loved one, to drop into your local Lloyds Pharmacy at any time for general asthma advice from a Lloyds Pharmacy pharmacist.

All asthmatics should visit their pharmacist at least twice a year to review their asthma management and treatment plan, or more frequently if asthma symptoms aren’t under control.

*The Asthma Society of Ireland


Allergies are very common in Ireland. Allergy symptoms like chest tightness and itchy eyes are a result of a chemical reaction that the immune system sets off when it detects an irritant. Allergy symptoms can make it difficult and uncomfortable to maintain normal daily schedules.

Allergies and asthma are often linked. Common allergens like pollen can trigger severe allergic asthma symptoms like wheezing, tightness in the chest, and even asthma attack.

Our expert colleagues are here to offer support, guidance and advice on how you and your loved ones can manage both your allergies symptoms and issues like allergic asthma or allergic rhinitis. This could include tips for minimising allergen exposure, as well as allergy shots.

Where do Allergies come from?

Allergies and asthma are both caused by the body’s immune system reacting to an allergen as though it is harmful, like the way it would react to an infection.

This is an allergic reaction. Your body produces something called IgE antibodies to fight off the allergens and one of the chemicals involved in this allergic reaction is called histamine.

This can lead to uncomfortable symptoms, sensitive airways, and even issues like allergic rhinitis or allergic asthma. Some people are more likely to develop an allergy because it runs in their family. Environmental factors also play a part.

What are the most common Allergens?

  • House dust mites
  • Grass and tree pollens
  • Pet hair or skin flakes
  • Fungal or mould spores
  • Food (particularly milk, eggs, wheat, soya, seafood, fruit and nuts)
  • Wasp and bee stings
  • Certain medication, such as penicillin and aspirin
  • Latex
  • Household chemicals

How can you prevent Allergies?

1. Regularly clean and dust your house

Regular exposure to household allergens is a leading cause of allergic asthma allergies and allergic response. The best way to prevent an allergic reaction is to avoid the allergen that causes it. This is not always easy.

Allergens such as dust mites or fungal spores can be hard to spot and can breed in even the cleanest house. Vacuum regularly and wipe down any hard surfaces that collect dust with a damp cloth.

2. Try to limit amount of space pets are in

If you live with pets and find that you are reacting more than usual to them as you spend more time indoors, try to set limitations to manage your allergy. Keep your bedroom a pet-free zone. Wash pet beds and clean out cages regularly to limit pet dander that can exacerbate allergy symptoms. Vacuum carpets and rugs to prevent a build-up of allergens. Groom your dogs and cats to reduce shedding.

3. Make sure your home isn’t damp

Mould spores are released when there is a sudden rise in temperature in a moist environment, such as when central heating is turned on in a damp house, or someone dries wet clothes next to a fireplace.

Keep your home dry and well-ventilated to help your allergy. When showering or cooking, keep internal doors closed to prevent damp air from spreading through the house and use extractor fans.

4. Monitor your diet

Many of us are experimenting in the kitchen this week. Remember to keep an eye on any food allergies people in your household may suffer from and keep these in mind when cooking. The most common food allergies are caused by crustaceans, dairy and nuts.

What is a House Dust Mite Allergy?

This is a very common allergy that occurs all year round. House dust mites are found all over the house but especially in the bed, as they favour moist, warm conditions.

It's estimated that over two million house dust mites live in a double bed at any one time. House dust mites cause allergic reactions such as allergic dermatitis and allergic asthma.

The main symptoms of allergic dermatitis include:

  • Rash
  • Itchy skin

The main symptoms of allergic asthma include:

  • Wheezing
  • Shortness of breath, tightness in the chest
  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  • Itchy, runny nose

Preventative Steps for Dust Mite Allergies

  • Encase the mattress in an anti-allergy mattress cover
  • Wash all bedding at over 60 degrees if you’re dealing with allergies
  • Avoid padded headboards where dust mites can breed and worsen your allergy
  • Wipe down your bed heads with a damp cloth

    Hay fever

    Hayfever is very common in Ireland, with up to 80% of people who have allergic asthma also having this condition. Our expert colleagues are here to offer support, guidance and advice on how you and your loved ones can treat your symptoms.

    What is Hay fever?

    Hay fever, also known as pollen allergies, is a very common type of allergy and is caused when plants release pollen particles into the air (pollinate). Different plants pollinate at different times of the year, so the months you experience symptoms will depend on what sort of pollen(s) you are allergic to. Typically, people are affected during spring and summer. This is categorised as a seasonal allergy.

    What are the main Symptoms of Hay fever?
    • Runny nose
    • Red, itchy eyes
    • Watery eyes
    • Nasal congestion
    • Sneezing
    Common Hay fever triggers:
    • Tree pollen
    • Grass pollen
    • Flower pollen
    • Fungi spores
    • Wood pollen
    How can you avoid Hay fever?
    • Keep an eye on weather reports for the pollen count and stay indoors when it is high.
    • Keep your doors and windows shut during mid-morning and early evening, when there is most pollen in the air.
    • Shower, wash your hair and change your clothes after being outside.
    • Avoid grassy areas, such as parks and fields.
    • Get someone else to cut the grass for you if you have a lawn.

    Our highly trained colleagues are here to help and can offer advice and suggest the best products to help you manage your allergies and asthma, whether you are looking for antihistamines or other medicines such as eye drops nasal sprays, and even allergy shots. We highly recommend consulting your pharmacist before choosing an allergy product.

    *The Asthma Society of Ireland

    Visit Us in Store

    For expert help and advice on our range of medicines and treatments to help with asthma and allergies visit us in store.